1. How To Raise a Child with A High EQ : A Parent Guide to Emotional Intellegence, Lawrence E Shapiro, PhD. (oleh Bu. Efi ).
  2. Artificial Intellegence, Elaine Rich & Kevin Knight. (Oleh Bu Elis).
  3. Working With Emotional Intellegence, Daniel Coleman. (Oleh Pak. Oo).
  4. Children Thinking, David F. Bjorklund. (Oleh Bu. Erna).
  5. Emotional Intellegence At Work, Hendrie Weisinger, Ph.D. (Oleh Pak Alamsyah).
  6. Measuring Emotional Intellegence, Steve Simmons, (Oleh Bu Yeti).
  7. Essential of Learning For Instrumen, Robert M Gagne, (Oleh Bu Nona R. Dewi)
  8. Educational Psychology, Paul Eggen & Don Kauchak, (Oleh Bu Ai Mae)
  9. Frames of Mind : The Theory of Multiple Intellegences, Howard Gardner (Oleh Pak Tajimuddin).
  10. New Rules Emotional Intellegences, Rob Yeung, (oleh Pak Septian).
  11. Social Intellegence, Howard Gardner, dan Emotional Intellegence, Daniel Goleman,,(oleh Bu Irna).
  12. Problem-Based Learning & Other Curriculum Models For The Multiple Intellegences Classroom, Robin Fogarty, (Oleh Yeni Suryani). dan Developing Minds, Arthur L Costa, (Oleh Yeni Suryani).
  13. ........................................
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