How to use this tutorial.

1. Basic elements of Access2003
2. Create, open, and close a database
3. Creating datatables.
4. Modifying datatables

5. Properties of the fields
6. Relationships
7. Queries
8. Summery queries
9. Cross reference queries
10. Action queries
11. Forms
12. Reports
Detailed index
Unit 1. Basic elements of Access2003
Opening and closing Access2003
The initial screen
The bars
Intelligent menus
Unit 2. Create, open, and close a database
Basic concepts
Creating a database
Closing a database
Opening a database
More ways to open a database
Unit 3. Creating data tables
Creating a datatable
The field builder
Data types
The lookup wizard
The primary key
Saving a table
Closing a table
Unit 4. Modifying data tables
Modifying the design of a table
Introducing and modifying data in a table
Moving within a table
Finding and replacing data
Unit 5. Properties of the fields
Field size
Field format
Customizing formats
Decimal places
Input mask
Customizing input masks
Default value
Validation rule
Validation text
Unit 6. Relationships
Basic concepts on relationships
Creating the first relationship
Referential integrity
Adding tables to the relationship window
Removing tables from the relationship window
Editing relationships
Deleting relationships
Tidying the relationship window
Showing direct relationships
Visualizing all the relationships
Unit 7. Queries
Types of queries
Creating a query
The Design view
Adding fields
Defining calculated fields
Forming expressions
Column headings
Changing the order of the fields
Saving the query
Running the query
Modifying the query design
Ordering rows
Selecting rows
Multitable queries
Joining tables
The external join
Unit 8. Summary queries
The summary functions
Grouping records
Including expressions
Including search criteria
Unit 9. Crosstab queries
The Crosstab Query wizard
The design view of a crosstab query
Unit 10. Action queries
Make-table queries
Update queries
Append queries
Delete queries
Unshowing confirmation messages
Unit 11. Forms
The form's wizard
Editing the data in a form
The Form design view
The Form design bar
Properties of a form
The Toolbox
Working with controls
Unit 12. Reports
The Report's wizard
The Report design view
The Report design bar
The Toolbox
Printing a Report
The Preview window
Grouping and Sorting
Step by step exercises
Create, open, and close a database
Creating a table
Modifying the design of a table
Introducing data
Moving in a table
Searching for data
Properties of the fields
Creating relationships
Modifying relationships
The relationships window
Creating simple queries I
Creating simple queries II
Multitable queries
Summary queries
Crosstab queries
Make-table queries
Update queries
Append queries
Delete queries
Creating a Form using the wizard
Changing a Form's design
Creating Subforms
Aligning Controls
Creating Reports with the wizard
Printing Reports
Reports with groups
Video tutorials
Ejercicios propuestos
Pruebas evaluativas

2. Create a database
3. Create a table
4. The Datasheet view
5. Changing format and input mask
5. The expression generator and indexes
6. Relationships
7. Create a query
7. Create a multitable query
8. Create a Summary query
10. Create an update query
10. Create an Append query
11. Managing controls in Form design
12. Grouping and sorting in Form design
Create, open, and close a database
Create a data table
Modifying a data table
Properties of the fields
Summary queries
Crosstab queries
Action queries
Create, open, and close a database
Create a data table
Modifying a data table
Properties of the fields
Summary queries
Crosstab queries
Action queries

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